Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter From Our Family To Yours!

Easter was amazing this year, I could not ask for a more beautiful weekend. The weather was perfection and our planned events were filled with laughter and love. There were a few moments I felt extremely happy, to the point of crying. Our Autumn is growing up so fast and we could not be anymore blessed; she is truly the happiest little girl. She is polite, funny, kind, and even after her occasional toddler-fits, she is still the cutest human being EVER! Her birthday is arriving in a couple of weeks, looking forward to another celebration and of course our first trip to Chicago! 

The day is dying down, the Easter festivities are coming to an end, and I thought I would share a few moments from our weekend. 

Happy Easter from our family to yours!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Spring is slowly arriving; some days poking out just enough to enjoy a brief moment of outdoor sunshine, then quickly back into hiding.