Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh Friday......

It’s FRIDAY!! Today we sent Autumn off on her very first field trip to Montgomery Zoo! At 2 years old, it often seems she is growing at a rapid rate. Too fast for Re and I. Sometimes I have to step back and savor these tiny moments. They make me want to cry, but also bring a lot of joy! For the past week, Autumn has been climbing into our bed at night. Our first reaction was, “okay, we have to get her back to her bed,” but then I asked myself, “why?” She isn’t hurting anyone and we all get enough sleep through the night, and it’s such an amazing feeling to wake up in the middle of the night and see her tiny body sleeping! She looks cozy, warm and at peace. So for now, if she decides to join us, it’s a pleasant surprise, if not, that’s okay too.

Today I picked up my runners packet for the Montgomery Half Marathon, my very first. Up until now, I’ve been calm and just ready to get it over with. Now the anxiety and nervousness is kicking in, with a mix of “WHOA! I can’t believe I’m really going to do this.” Training has been exhausting, consisting of 5 am runs before work, along with getting myself and Autumn dressed, then pretty much on the go until 9:00 pm that night, only to repeat the same process the next day. My Saturdays consisted of LONG runs at 6 am, so sleeping in only occurred on Sundays. Overall, I am excited for this accomplishment, but happy to take a much needed break. Dare I say, I am contemplating running the New Orleans Rock “n” Roll Marathon (26.2 miles) in February 2014!    But we shall see……..

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