Friday, January 1, 2016

A Memorable 2015!

The New Year feelings of aspiration and hope are contagious. I am not big on making New Year resolutions, I actually try to steer clear of the whole “New Year, New Me” cliché. I strive to continue to grow and uplift myself throughout the year; lessons are learned, travel always a must, and fitness & health remains consistent, but something about this year has definitely taught me a lot about ME, and I’ve stumbled upon the conclusion that there are a few things I want to center my focus on. I want to first and foremost thank you for visiting my Blog and wish you an amazing 2016! Thank you.


As we get older, our relationships, whether family or friends or even co-workers , fulfill a large chunk of our time, and energy. Many situations this year have shed light on how much effort I put into my relationships.  I found that I tend to give more of myself than what I will inevitably get in return. As I type this, it all sounds very selfish, that I should enforce myself to asking this very question: would this person do the same for me? I will seek to question, along with test myself when it comes to not only my efforts, but the people around me.  The blame is simply aimed towards me, only I can control what I will and will not do. I can’t dwell on the actions of others, perhaps they are smarter for not putting forth the effort. Someone said to me this year “You do too much.” At first I felt offended and somewhat confused, but as those words continue to echo in my head, I’ve come realize the accuracy in that statement. I am thankful for it. Relationships are about give and take, and sometimes we have to evaluate when we may be giving too much. Of course all of this does not pertain to Re or Autumn; my time, energy, & every ounce of me are always automatic for them. My balance, core; my sanity in this chaotic and busy world, are how I would describe Re and Autumn.  I found that in order for me to remain well balanced, ALL energy and efforts should always stay with them first. Everything and everyone else remain second. This is something I will keep in mind as I stride into 2016.


Fitness is a consistent entity in our life. I hope to continue our journey to becoming the best we can be. In 2015, I added weight lifting to my regiment, I am excited about what the future holds. My running has progressed and advanced. Balance is definitely the key. 


Travel allows you to gain and increase perspective on life. Travel creates an opening, an exit from the small box in which we live every day. I feel travel is extremely pertinent to our growth as individuals.  We have done our fair share of traveling this year; the year of journeys I’d like to call it. A lot has happened these past couple of months, I almost feel like I’ve opened my eyes to a lot of things going on around me, even with the people in my life; family & friends, hence the "relationships" section of this blog. I feel travel plays an important factor in my realization, along with knowledge, maturity and possibly an increase in age as well.  2015 was a great year for travel. Within 365 days, we managed to travel to Thailand, China, California, Chicago, Disney World, Alabama/Florida, Tennessee/Kentucky. The bar was set and I am hoping 2016 is at least half of what this year was for us in terms of travel. We have a few places in mind; Atlanta in March, Disney World again in May and hoping for an international trip in the Fall. 2015 proved that a lot can happen within a year. 

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