Monday, November 4, 2013

A Future To Look Forward To.

At periodic moments throughout the day, my mind reflects and analyzes everything that is going on in my life, a dissection of my things to do for the week; family, school, work, money, and some day dreaming of future possibilities. It has been almost 2 weeks since we were hit with some extraordinary and unexpected news; we are moving! In a matter of months, we will be relocating to the state of Illinois! It all seems surreal, I mean, this is what we’ve been wanting for almost 5 years. Month after month we have been constantly saying, “I hope we get out of here soon.” I knew it would happen eventually, that’s military life for you, but I was expecting another year or so.
As an army brat, I am accustomed to constant changes and relocations. I think that is why I love to travel, I need a variation of sights, people, and things. I first arrived in Alabama in 2003, not by choice, but because my father is in the Army. I never planned on staying, my mentality was; finish 5 months of high school and then off to New York. I did NYC for a moment, only to come back to Alabama. For the past 10 years, I have been trying to escape this state; residing in NYC to Louisiana to Washington DC, and eventually always coming back.
Since we received news of relocating, I have been in disbelief; this is it, we are moving. With a mixture of anticipation for the future, I am also sad. Alabama has been my home for the past 13 years, and many of my best memories and growth happened here. I met my husband here and our whole life has blossomed in this state. Unforgettable memories and experiences; we married in Mobile, AL and our baby girl Autumn was born here in Montgomery, AL. As much as I dreaded being here at times, as much as I complained that I needed to be somewhere bigger, somewhere more interesting, I appreciate everything Alabama has given me.
I am still in disbelief. Not sure if it has sunk in quite yet, maybe in January it will. Right now my mind has been occupied with school, work and contemplating the status of our Puerto Rico vacation. With the sudden plans to move, a vacation does not seem like the best decision. 
My appreciation for Alabama has me feeling like I will miss a few things:
1.      Sweet tea. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a sweet tea-aholic.

2.      Southern Hospitality. Everyone is charming here. After all, this is where I gained my mannerisms of always replying with a “yes/no maam” and “yes/no sir.”

3.      The accent. Something so warming and neighborly about the Southern accent.

4.      The weather. As a person who despises the cold, I enjoyed the hot and humid Southern summers.

5.       The short distance drive to beautiful Florida beaches, Atlanta, New Orleans and even an 8 hour drive to Disney World!!

As this chapter slowly begins to close, I am optimistic and positive about the upcoming future.

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