Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Father's Love.

One of the most important relationships a girl will ever have is the relationship with her father. Yesterday as the three of us were cuddled on the couch, I noticed a saddened expression on my husbands face, I asked him “What’s wrong babe?” His reply,” I just finished looking through old photos and videos of Autumn.” He made a trip down memory lane; photos of when she roamed and crawled throughout the house, videos of a premature wobbly walk. I could tell he was mournful on how fast and rapid our little girl is growing. So we continued our cuddle, Autumn in the middle, us on each side. We squeezed and tickled; the sound of her laughter was pure bliss. There was a lot of kisses, so much laughter, love and I couldn’t help but savor this beautiful moment, just the three of us.
The love they share is amazing, something I never got to experience as a little girl. My relationship with my biological father has been non-existent since I was 10 years old. I do remember and cherish the few memories I had with him, I can’t deny or forget those memories, not even if I wanted to.
 My mother met my dad when I was ten years old, I don’t like the word stepdad, so when I describe my dad, he is by true definition, my dad. He adopted all of my siblings at the age of 24, something not a lot of people would do. He raised us; he did everything a dad was supposed to do. I am who I am today because of my dad.  To be honest, I have no idea who or where I would be in life if he wasn’t my dad. He was there to coach me before basketball tryouts, edit and review my essays, when I graduated high school and college, every birthday and holiday. He survived my delinquent teenage years, in which he states I wasn’t a bad kid, guess I had my parents fooled (kidding!). Overall, the timeline and importance of our relationship reflects the person I am today.  I love him greatly and appreciate his position as a father.
Something inside of me triggers when I see Autumn and Re interact. In some ways, she is so much like him, and I love it.  As she gets older, I look forward to the relationship she will build with the both of us. I look forward to seeing what characteristics she will inherit. As a mom, all I ever want is for my little one to know how loved and safe she is, and there is nothing like a father's love to reassure that. 

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