Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sometimes I write.

A glimpse into the chaotic and wandering mind of Adrienne. Sometimes when I am in a moment or find inspiration in my location, my experiences; I record words, thoughts, and memories into the notes app in my phone. I feel sometimes I am always in “writing mode.” Inspiration derives from real life experiences, my dreams, observation of others, etc. So what you read may or may not have occurred. I think that is the essence of writing, being able to step in and out of your world.


I write.
But you are the hardest to write about.
My feelings and thoughts of you are never trapped inside me, 
they fly, they soar beautifully into the air.

2 am.
The rain falls; first slowly.
As the moment passes, the rain gets heavier, the moment gets heavier.
I feel the water weighing me down.
But I feel light, almost free.
Almost a sense of relief, but almost a burden at the same time.
The rain continues to fall.
I am in this moment.
I am within those droplets.
I am oblivious;
To sight.
To sound.
I do not see the lightening around me. I cannot hear the thunder. 
I am blind; unconscious.

But I feel everything.
I feel this moment.

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